Ohh, I have been remiss! I've been hanging out at our puppet company's blog, Handmade By Computers (terriblecomfort.wordpress.com/) and I haven't been visiting here much.
But this soon shall change! For there are rumblings underneath the surface of page 63 (does that mean that page 64 is rumbling? I dunno...) and things are moving and changing...
There's a few dreadfully exciting things going on here at HQ, and soon I'll be ready to reveal all.
But at the moment, check these out! I'm working on little monster puppets that I can take into the classroom as a relief teacher. So they have to be small and easily transportable, but still heart warming and awesome. I didn't want just a finger or a hand puppet, I wanted something special.
So, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you too... Lily
OOO! Blogger wont let me upload the gosh darned photo... So click here to see her in all her beautiful, lilac furry form... http://www.flickr.com/photos/terriblecomfort/5427276523/
Street Art as a disaster
5 days ago