The lovely and most marvelous Pip from Meet Me At Mikes had a little muse the other day as to how to help your little ones become avid readers. It's a lovely post filled with good ideas to help encourage reading in children. Along with that it has some great comments attached! If you haven't read it already, check it out here:
And I couldn't resist adding the image she used. Wild Things and books, some of my favourite things! I don't know where she got it, but it's clearly the wonderful Maurice Sendak and I love it :)
Agree with almost all of them. The reading at the dinner table rubs against my grain as I was raised to have convosation at the dinner table and be mindful of what I ate. Eating with a book can be like eating watching TV... the flavour fades for more immediately entertaining things and you eat without enjoying your food or considering what or how much you're eating.
I love food too much to do that - and being in nutrition etc I don't like the idea of people being unaware and unappreciative of their food.
But otherwise great ideas not only for getting kids interested but awakening an avid reader in a 'I don't have time' adult.
You know, my major problem with reading at the dinner table is its so damn difficult to keep the book open while your hands are otherwise occupied. But I'm starting to come around to your way of thinking, dinner should be for about enjoying the food and the company. And work, reading, tv and anything else comes after that :)
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